Dear customer {resellers___name},

Your partner agreement form was created on {resellers___creation_date} and is now in review.

You submitted the data as follows ...

Identification data
User ID:  {resellers___user_id}
User:  {resellers___user_name}

Request #: {resellers___id}
Creation date: {resellers___creation_date}
Last modified: {resellers___last_edited}
Approval: {resellers___approval}
Partner-ID: {resellers___partner_id}

Business address
Company name: {resellers___company_name}
Address: {resellers___address}
ZiP, Postal code: {partners___zip}
 City: {resellers___city}
 Region: {resellers___region}
 Country: {resellers___country}


Contact data
 Email: {resellers___email_address}
Service phone: {resellers___phone}
WEB site:  {resellers___web_site}


Provided documents:

Certificate: {resellers___attachment_certificate}
Trade license: {resellers___attachment_trade_license}
Demo equipment: {resellers___demo_equipment}

We turn to you, if the review is finished.